
Our Treatment Philosophy

Our Treatment Philosophy
My treatment philosophy is patient centered and not procedure centered. I strive to perform the best procedure possible. However, I also do everything in my power to allow for optimal healing and minimal downtime.

In order to accomplish these goals, I spend a significant amount of time with my patients and treat each one as an individual. I thoroughly review each patient's past medical history, past surgical history, current medications and drug allergies. I then perform a detailed examination, preop anesthesia assessment, review x-ray findings if indicated and discuss my recommendations.

Patients are thoroughly informed of risks, benefits & treatment alternatives and all questions are answered. I believe that a well-educated patient does much better postoperatively. You will be treated with compassion and respect at my office.

Patients' will probably spend more time at my office for their treatment but can rest assured, I will do everything in my power to provide the most up-to-date/comfortable treatment and best experience possible.